"...It's quite amazing how I've gone around for most of my life as in the rarefied atmosphere under a bell jar."
--Sylvia Plath

"The First Day"


06.05.2002 .]|[. The First Day yester

Wow. Oh dear. I was a nervous wreck this morning and still feel like I don't know where I am or what I'm supposed to do. First, they weren't even expecting me today! They were expecting me to show up tomorrow! I could have had the whole day off, or worked one more day at the other place. Yesterday I left there in a frantic rush, trying to clean up my desk, get last minute work done, and also to talk to my sister who was on AIM at the time. I ended up just being all short and fast instead of trying to enter into my whole point gradually, like a nice person. Then this morning!

Now I'm at my desk, a nerve wracking space, with piles of reading around me and nowhere really to organize all the things that I have. Time to purchase my own office organization stuff.

Working in cubicle space is weird, and being the new girl is a lot harder. I can hear them all talking to each other and they say funny things and I laugh to myself, but really I'm just trying to ignore them because if I laugh, am I eavesdropping? What a mess!

A woman gave me the instructions for voicemail and just can't stand the thought of them hearing me talk into the phone to set up the voicemail. The embarrassment of hearing my own voice stutter over itself into a machine and not a person is just too much to add onto my little and erratic mess of duties. And I'm not entirely sure what those duties are.

The computer I have is old, a Compaq with 64 MB ram; the monitor can only handle 640 res and 16 colors. My web page looks a mess. Not color is a solid color, it's all cross-hatched with white.

Cubicles look slipshod. It's gray. Some office spaces, I've noticed, look more comfy and office-like. Need more pictures. I only brought my picture of Jenna today because I wasn't expecting to be able to sit at my desk.

I'm only writing this because I have nerves. I guess I'm not supposed to do personal stuff on this computer, so I most definitely have to get online service at home.

Catch you later, alligators. Be good and wish me well. I'm a mess...

yester | current | tomorry | up again

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Ellie Hingenbottom
b. 05/26. Writer. Vegetarian. Woman. Journaller. Survivor.

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