"...It's quite amazing how I've gone around for most of my life as in the rarefied atmosphere under a bell jar."
--Sylvia Plath



09.02.2002 .]|[. Statements yester

Hi, world. I'm alive and well, just miserably suffering allergies. I wake up every morning reaching for the tissues and wiping my eyes dry. It's awful.

I've definitely had my ups and downs but have made it clear to Jon that I love him--no doubt--but though there are things you may consider faults in the person you love--and you simply accept because you love outweighs those faults--there are also some things you just can't live without. For me, it is and always has been affection from my partner. He's known this since we first started dating since he's one of the people I talked to about my last break up and the neglect I felt from my last boyfriend. I asked him if he knew that and he said he did, and since then, I may be sensing something more... but I can't be sure. I figure I should be clear before making any major decisions, so I'm going to hope that he understands exactly how important it is to me.

I haven't written anything in a long while and I have a computer at home now. It's nice to have it. I get home and feel so tired and play solitaire over and over about a hundred times. It's a little pathetic, actually. A compulsive gambler, maybe? Because I do play it on vegas style. Hee hee...

I've been eating a lot of chocolate too. I need more chocolate. More and more.

I'll write again soon. Hugs to you all! (And I'll explain my feelings of the last few days in more detail as well...promise.)

yester | current | tomorry | up again

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Ellie Hingenbottom
b. 05/26. Writer. Vegetarian. Woman. Journaller. Survivor.

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