"...It's quite amazing how I've gone around for most of my life as in the rarefied atmosphere under a bell jar."
--Sylvia Plath

"Happy Day"


12.04.2002 .]|[. Happy Day yester

Hi, everybody! I can't tell you how good I've been feeling lately. I'm feeling relaxed and okay about life and it feels great to just breathe. I'm a bit financially strapped--have to buy more birth control and anti-depressants and don't know what to do about the fact that I have no money...

Jeff is absolutely wonderful. He makes me feel good. He walks by me to go to another room and he reaches out. He touches my face. He kisses me and it's not always just a peck--it's kissing. He's sexual and sweet and he doesn't think I'm a pervert if I want to touch him. He lets me know he wants to touch me or wants me touch him and it's new to me because I've always held bad, being chastised one too many times by previous boyfriends for being so forward.

Last night is the earliest I've gone to bed in the whole month I've known him. I fell asleep at 11:30 p.m. That's amazing to me! He comes to bed at 3:30 a.m. and he still reaches over and puts his arms around me or brings me over to lay on his chest before he has to assume his own sleeping position. Sometimes, I can't even tell if I fall asleep like that or if I've moved out of the way before he sleeps. And I love that I need my own sleep position too.

I don't want Jon to know that I've found someone and I that I like him a lot. I don't want him to know that I've found someone who makes me happy and smiley. It's so hard.

I went home to Vermont for Thanksgiving and had a great time. My baby baby sister had met the Wallflowers on a plane from Los Angeles to New York and she became friends with Mosey. So he invited her to the tour bus and a show in Burlington and I went with her. I got to hang out with them, help the guitarist, Yogi, with his computer, smoked some pot and had a great time at the concert. I didn't know a damn thing about the Wallflowers, not even that Jakob Dylan--Bob Dylan's son--was in the band. My sister met them when she got into a little tiff with the stewardess, who wanted to put my sister's guitar away. My sister had just gotten it from her father and it was special to her so she didn't want the woman messing with it. Jakob, who my sister didn't recognize, offered to wrap the guitar up in blankets for her and put it overhead with his until they were in the air. My sister told him why it was important to her and he said he understood because "my dad gave me my first guitar too." 'My dad.' FUCKING BOB DYLAN!

The concert was great. I recognized about five of their songs, especially The Difference, 6th Avenue Heartache, and One Headlight. I had a really good time.

The drive to Vermont was awful. I decided to take a treacherous route but made it out alive. My car was a trooper, but now I'm going to be looking for a new car. And a NEW one. I'm sure I'll regret it for about a month or two, but will love it in about five years. I'm thinking about the Kia Rio Cinco or the new Saturn. I do want a wagon type thing because of my job and traveling and what not.

I'm going to go to work now, but I wanted to touch base with you all. If you live in a snowy area, be careful out there. And if you get a hug, love it. I love the hugs I get now. I love it love it love it!! In a few hours, I'm going to go home for lunch and crawl into bed with him for a little nap.

yester | current | tomorry | up again

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Ellie Hingenbottom
b. 05/26. Writer. Vegetarian. Woman. Journaller. Survivor.

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