"...It's quite amazing how I've gone around for most of my life as in the rarefied atmosphere under a bell jar."
--Sylvia Plath



11.10.2002 .]|[. SMITTEN! yester

I am smitten. I really am. He is the nicest person in the world and he's funny and laughs at my jokes and kisses my forehead and when I went to hug him yesterday before going to a party, we ended up in a dancing-type thing and he said, "are you we dancing?" and I was thinking that entire time, "wow. We're dancing." I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned it here, but I surely have in my paper journals: I want a man who will dance with me to no music, and it's comfortable. And I'm amazed. I'm afraid because I've felt this way before and had hope, but I'm amazed. I'm different than I was then, I guess, and I don't want to fret about it.

Amazed. He has plants in his bedroom, a tapestry on his wall, a cat he loves and pets, and he holds my hand in bed. Oh, I like him.

I won't be seeing him today. He has plans with his friends. I'm hoping to get the rest of my stuff from Jon's because I can't have it there anymore. I didn't realize how much stuff was still there until last week. Anna is going to help me get it tonight.

I love sleeping with someone else. I love looking at a new face and trying to figure out his lips and eyes.

I am indeed smitten. I brought him to a party last night and I was so curious how I would treat him there in front of my friends, and I just wanted to touch him� so I touched him. Held his hand, gave him hugs, kissed him once or twice�


yester | current | tomorry | up again

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Ellie Hingenbottom
b. 05/26. Writer. Vegetarian. Woman. Journaller. Survivor.

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