"...It's quite amazing how I've gone around for most of my life as in the rarefied atmosphere under a bell jar."
--Sylvia Plath

If you run into problems with this page, please email me or leave comments on my weblog

If you think you know me, please do not read any part of this journal

yester | current | tomorry

Peeking From Beneath the Bell Jar


November, 2001
December, 2001
January, 2002
February, 2002
March, 2002
April, 2002
May, 2002
Current Month
2001-12-31 | Which Kevin Smith girl am I? --A quiz
2001-12-31 | She's baaack...and with a list!
2001-12-21 | What's that buzzing coming from your pants?
2001-12-20 | "Smoking weed, doing coke, drinking beers..."
2001-12-19 | Blustery Day
2001-12-18 | Which Evil Criminal Am I?
2001-12-17 | My Kleptomania
2001-12-17 | Prelude to a Klepto-tale
2001-12-14 | Solo Trips Around the World?
2001-12-13 | I'm a Winner!
2001-12-12 | Memories
2001-12-11 | Men and Other Men
2001-12-10 | Weekend Thoughts
2001-12-07 | Goals, etc.
2001-12-06 | Moving out, but moving on?
2001-12-05 | friends, death, christmas & jobs
2001-12-04 | Why Ellie?
2001-12-03 | my mother's secret

yester | current | tomorry | up again

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All material on this site is maintained and copyrighted by Ellie Hingenbottom, 2001-2002
This site was made using Internet Explorer 5 for the Macintosh

i like it!