"...It's quite amazing how I've gone around for most of my life as in the rarefied atmosphere under a bell jar."
--Sylvia Plath

"I ROCK at Singledom"


11.07.2002 .]|[. I ROCK at Singledom yester

Two night in a row of nice long cuddling with Jeff.

He's FUNNY. And honest. I appreciate honesty very much indeed. We discussed the fact that we hadn't had sex (and I'm thankful I have my period, even though I know I can use an Instead if I really wanted to). He said he kinda likes that we haven't. Me too. Skip the one night stand-type thing and let's get to know each other a little, huh? Yeah baby.

I like how he dresses. Very nice. And he has very little hands, the same size as mine, but they are a lot stronger than mine. He wrestled in high school and wrestled this last summer with a team of some sort. He had to try out to get on it, so that's fun. He looks tired, but then again, he's been up late as well. Only he gets to sleep in.

I am SICK. Sore throat, stuffy, runny nose, headache, neck sore. I just went to Target while at work (bad, Ellie!) and bought a humidifier, kleenex, comtrex and throat drops, not to mention some orange juice. I hope it goes away!

Jeff invited me to a hockey game in a week with him and his friends. This is all very exciting.

Now yes. I do want to see some more about being single, but I think too that I can enter into something with not even a fraction of the stress and seriousness I had with my previous relationships. It just feels nice. Jeff said he was comfortable around me, and said it's surprising because he normally is not, especially with women. So that's a plus for me. And as you know, one of the reasons I liked him more than any other that night was because he was just more comfortable to be around. And he's not a pig--though last night, while cuddling, he stated that he wishes he was more piggish. Ha ha! I told you--he's FUNNY.

Yes, I've been having fun. I'm excited. I'm a little smitten, especially after last night when I realized that I really do like him and it's not just because he snuggles, though he did imply I was using him for the snuggling and that's why I'm holding back on the sex, and I readily agreed that it was true and he was very smart for calling me on it so quickly as I have strung many-a-man along for two years before they ever got laid. We had a hearty little laugh.

Oh, dear. This is fun. This makes me smile.

I like smiling.

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Ellie Hingenbottom
b. 05/26. Writer. Vegetarian. Woman. Journaller. Survivor.

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