"...It's quite amazing how I've gone around for most of my life as in the rarefied atmosphere under a bell jar."
--Sylvia Plath

"Who is Sean?"


12.08.2003 .]|[. Who is Sean? yester

Okay. I'll tell you who Sean is.

I moved to Rochester in 1997. I spent a lot of time at the RIT campus in a certain "house,"--a dorm room floor made up of people with similar interests. I was there because I was working for RIT and living with three members of this house (also referred to as "floor"), and so would hang out there till I got a ride home, as I had no car. On floor, I met some great people. All very intelligent, some of whom I wanted to be friends with because they were smart, funny (but off-funny, not mainstream funny. They were SMART funny.) They talked with me about writing, books and movies. Sean was one of them.

They were the group of guys I wanted to be friends with but felt slightly inferior to because 1) my boyfriend didn't hang out with them; 2) I was insecure about my own intelligence and charm and ability to write and be cool.

So I went to this party. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Sean was there. Yadda Yadda Yadda. The next morning we went to breakfast with friends. Yadda yadda yadda. He wrote me the best goddamned card I ever got in my life that said "thank you." I wrote him an email when he left that said, "please remember to look me up if you come back to Rochester," and before he read it, he wrote me an email that said, "I really like you. Come visit. I'll pay," only it was much much longer, it was far more intriguing, it was incredibly charming and flattering and I went ga-ga and weak in the knees and so let him fly me to Baltimore to spend the weekend with him.

I fell in love. We have similar though patterns. Our sense of humor can be downright sick. I like sex and want more sex, even with other people. He's fine with this (we've a had few orgies since meeting).

I am so clear to him about the things I want, the things I need. I am me: tough and strong, weak and sad, happy and rotten, smart and silly. And it's all okay. I'm me. It's fun. It's great. We're very respectful of each other.

He had done a million and one things for me that I did not imagine anybody would do. He created a camp for me. We've gone on adventures. He helps me recapture childhood as an adult. We make projects. We have fun. We're adults and children and have goals and dreams and boy--do I see a clear line.

I met him and I said, "My life is going to be a great time."

yester | current | tomorry | up again

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Ellie Hingenbottom
b. 05/26. Writer. Vegetarian. Woman. Journaller. Survivor.

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